4 October 2013: The Nevin Yıldırım case started

Nevin Yıldırım from Korukaya village of Isparta’s Yalvaç district killed her relative Nurettin Gider who  repeatedly raped her  at gunpoint on 29 August 2012...

13 May 2008: Feminists as the Intervening Party in a Femicide Case: Ayşe Yılbaş...

The case of Ayşe Yılbaş who was murdered on 22 February 2008 by her husband whom she wanted to divorce set an important example...

Marriage is a call for political action, so is divorce

When their lives meet with that of a man, women are expected to take a break from the life outside to undertake domestic chores,...

All workers are called to femininity

In today’s labor regime, the labor market does not expect the rules of work life to be carried into non-work life; it expects that...

Women’s labor, economic violence and how to get better?

Although economic violence is a widespread form of violence that renders women dependent and impoverished and underlies other forms of violence, historically, it has...

So, they say when socialism comes, foreplay will be history…

From whichever side you look at it, there is a positive correlation between socialism and sexual satisfaction of women. Cecilia cannot help but cry as...

Homo sapiens 2.0 and bio attack in Margaret Atwood’s novel

Margaret Atwood is an author who keeps her distance from genetic and biomedical engineering. In Oryx and Crake she created a not-too-distant fictional world...

All escapes start in the house / Interview with Sinem Taş

My Kaaba is Human is a photography project which features stories of people from all around the world. We conversed with Sinem Taş, the...

Remnants of Abuse

It may take many years for women to comprehend whether or not the attention they had received from the teachers, who are well-informed about...

Women’s labor in times of crises: From strategies of capital’s profitability to strategies for...

We indeed understand better during periods of crises that capitalism is grounded in patriarchy. We face one of the most visible effects of it...

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