My early menopause story: Making one’s way through the darkness
I am curious to what I owe the umbrage that I feel towards going through menopause in my thirties which my peers will experience...
Who will cover the expenses?
A fact which we often forget, or for that matter, we never think about is that there is a vital bond between the trillions...
A far-too-long and extremely boring story of a surname
The next thing I knew was that my struggle to be myself was actually an attempt to avoid suffocating in the sea of surnames...
Patriarchal labor exploitation in agriculture and its implications for feminist politics
Exclusion of women from land ownership enables men to constitute a gendered division of labor and, hence, to appropriate the surplus product produced by...
Common Wrongs and Facts about AKP’s* Women Employment Policies
The state is not obliged to find employment for everyone; women as well can participate in activities to support women’s entrepreneurship and become self-employed...
What does Weinstein scandal tell us about sexual harassment?
“I am a 28-year-old woman who tries to make a living and build a career. Harvey Weinstein is a 64-year-old, world-famous man and this...