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The question “Are you pregnant?”, being a female student in academia...

Asking the question of marriage during gynecological examination by saying “Patients want it”, hiding behind pretexts Over the weekend, twitter, our blissless bliss environment, witnessed...

Will and Testament: “One cannot choose family, but can choose to...

Does our fear of the perpetrator make our respect for the perpetrator higher and our expectations lower compared to other people, or is just...

The struggle against patriarchy in Mytilene / Interview with Anormia

Our activism concerns, on the one hand, self-education circles that lead to an event or an open discussion in the squatters' space and, on...

Refugee women’s poverty and opportunities for feminist struggle

As Turkey turns into a country of immigration, it is more important than ever for feminists to re-determine the fight against poverty and patriarchy...

Egotistic World of Bikers

Biker man is the bare form of violence of uncouth men who see themselves entitled to behave as if they are the only living...

Why is the Istanbul Convention in the crosshairs?

The Istanbul Convention touches upon multiple aspects of the recent paradigm shift. It is important to tackle this global assault in its entirety, in...

Anjelik Kelavgil of May 17 Association: “The only way out of...

We need to remind everyone that a society where LGBTI+ people are not safe cannot be safe enough for anyone. The decision to withdraw...

Femihat Answers: The streets are ours, what about profanity?

Hello, Femihat. My question for you constitutes an ongoing dilemma for me. I’m aware of the importance of language and I pay attention to...

Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association: “The decision to withdraw from the...

This heedless mind is feeding upon a knowledge which assumes that attacking and isolating the LGBTI+ people is a very easy thing. What they...

What does the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention mean from a...

If there is a mechanism which secures the lives of women in Turkey today, it is maintained not by the legal system, but through...