Tag: gender
The Struggle for Peace by LGBTI+ and Women’s Organizations in Turkey...
“The methods of struggle brought by the oppression periods may be different, but why can’t movements that have experience of waging a struggle by...
Gender of labor
When I asked a woman who has been employed in the textile industry for many years, whether there is wage inequality, she told me:...
Why is the Istanbul Convention in the crosshairs?
The Istanbul Convention touches upon multiple aspects of the recent paradigm shift. It is important to tackle this global assault in its entirety, in...
Anjelik Kelavgil of May 17 Association: “The only way out of...
We need to remind everyone that a society where LGBTI+ people are not safe cannot be safe enough for anyone.
The decision to withdraw...
“No attack can ever end women’s solidarity”: Conversation with women from...
Throwing the Istanbul Convention into question in such a way –a convention which offers a very broad and comprehensive framework regarding the combat against...
Is Boğaziçi University Sexual Harassment Prevention Office (CİTÖK) de facto being...
Boğaziçi University Sexual Harassment Prevention Office (CİTÖK) which has been active since 2012 has been frozen last week after the coordinator of the office...
Pink Life LGBTI+ Solidarity Association: “The decision to withdraw from the...
This heedless mind is feeding upon a knowledge which assumes that attacking and isolating the LGBTI+ people is a very easy thing. What they...
Defending the Istanbul Convention is women’s struggle for the right to...
We know that the main intention here is not only to make LGBTI+ people the focus of violence, but also to naturalize the discrimination...
The graying of the budget, the feminization of old age, and...
In fact, what causes a problem for a woman is not ageing but the accumulation of all the inequalities imposed on her throughout her...
Gendered forms of emotional labor
The answer to the question who has the right to be angry is provided with respect to the axis of gender and class. The...